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Ad Logistic, Nacida de la experiencia acumulada durante más
de 25 años por Adumasa en el sector del comercio exterior.

Especializados en el exigente sector de la Aeronáutica, trasladamos nuestro
know how a otros ámbitos del comercio exterior, para, de esta forma ofrecer
un excelente servicio a nuestros clientes, sea cual sea su sector comercial.

Con Sede en Madrid, AD Logistic cuenta con una amplia red
de corresponsales, pudiendo así ofrecer un servicio global de calidad.

AD Logistic es, una empresa flexible ,capaz de adaptarse
a las condiciones o necesidades particulares de nuestros clientes.

Luchamos para que a su compañía, el comercio internacional,
le sirva como apoyo estratégico en su liderazgo.


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Welcome to Aerospace Logistics Group 


Aerospace Logistics Group (the ALG) is a worldwide organization specializing in support services to the aerospace and aviation industry, from transportation and distribution to logistics.

In 2017, the ALG was named the Benchmark for Aviation/Aerospace Logistics Networks by the Global Institute of Logistics.

The ALG was founded by a group of international freight forwarders in January 2007 and is legally registered as an Association in Switzerland. Our members are independent companies who combine their expertise and experience to provide a seamless service, fulfilling the needs of airlines and aerospace companies worldwide. With their wealth of experience, our global membership puts the ALG in a unique position in the aviation and aerospace industry. As one of the industry’s innovators, we are proud of our understanding of the specific logistic challenges that this market presents. AD Logistic is our Spain Member.